Could fashion be affordable without being disposable ?
Could fashion be affordable without being disposable ? Millennial shoppers entered a job market with fewer jobs, while carrying more student debt, which limited how much money many of them could spend on clothes. They also entered a workforce that was more amenable than ever to casual attire. Urban Millennials Love Uniqlo, will the rest of America learn to love it too? Uniqlo was founded in 1984 in Hiroshima, Japan, as the Unique Clothing Warehouse-an ironic name for a manufacturer known for clothing that is in no way unique. A person can dress...
Il faudrait que je cessasse de vivre pour cesser de vous aimer
J’ai réalisé récemment, Donc un peu tardivement, qu’on est fondamentalement seul dans la vie. Ça n’est pas triste, c’est propre à ce que nous sommes. Mais il y a une chose qui fait toujours la différence, Ce sont les rencontres, Cette étincelle qui nourrit le feu intérieur, les autres. Ces rencontres qui nous guident, qui éclairent le chemin. Celles qui génèrent le doute, Celles qui renforcent les convictions, Qui créent des exigences. Les rencontres, elles m’ont tout permis. Elles m’ont ouvert tous les horizons. Offert toutes les chances. Créé...
World confrontation on technologies
State of mobile global market and New Samsung S10, US versus Huawei on 5G new network, Président Macron to launch a french german consortium on electric batteries for cars, review of a few topics on late show Tech&Co on BFM business
Silicon Valley & Artificial intelligence creating social discriminations ?
Shadow workforce’ in Silicon Valley calls for better pay & benefits. Algorithms bias can recreate social discrimination, watch late show Tech&Co hosted by Sébastien Couasnon featuring Frédéric Simottel on BFM TV.
Is IA dangerous? Education against Fake news? : watch this free-fight on digital
Should we regulate IA? Is IA dangerous? Are we dealing with serious ethic issues? Education against Fake news? What are the keys challenges for our future? @gillesbabinet & @severinnaudet engage in free fight oratory #blood #tears #laugh #sweat #tchatche organized by @thebosonsproject @emmanuelduez #digital #IA #GAFA #fakenews at "le Grand Palais" in Paris November the 24th 2018.
Les Y et les Z veulent inventer leur propre modèle de société
Les Millennials, ces jeunes actifs qui passionnent tant les entreprises. Sont-ils porteurs de méthodes de travail disruptives ou contribuent-ils à une évolution logique du monde du travail ? Nous avons souhaité en savoir plus sur cette génération de travailleurs qui fascine et intrigue encore les managers. Entretien avec Séverin Naudet, Chief digital officer du groupe Amaris et ancien conseiller numérique du Premier ministre.
New uses appear ceaselessly, business & industrial models are changing fast
New uses appear ceaselessly, business & industrial models are changing fast. Air France starting a partnership with Instagram’s founders are leaving. Watch extracts of late show “After business” on BFM Business hosted by FabriceLundy.
Tech&Co : Bernie Sanders claims Amazon exploits its employees
Bernie Sanders claims Amazon offers poor working conditions and poor salaries. Meanwhile, Uber is launching urban bikes and diversifying its activities. Watch these segments from late show "Tech&Co", hosted by Sébastien Couasnon, featuring Frédéric Simottel and Pascal Samama on BFM Business (Sept 30th 2018). the completed version of the show here
Trump against Europe on Google dispute !
Donald Trump defending Google against Europe on Twitter, Jeff Bezos becomes the richest man in the world... watch these segments from "Tech&Co", hosted by Sébastien Couasnon, featuring Frédéric Simottel and Jean de La Rochebrochard on BFM Business (19th July 2018).
The end of Facebook ? Is Uber business model sustainable ?
Why does everyone keep talking about the end of Facebook? How does Uber's economic model differ from GAFAM? Watch snippets from the "Tech&Co' TV show hosted by Sébastien Couasnon, featuring Frédéric Simottel & Frédéric Bianchi from BFM Business.